As most of you know the Peace Arch Weavers and Spinners celebrates its 50th Anniversary.
Preparations have been ongoing to commemorate this landmark event.
Starting with a special showing at the Newton Cultural Centre, Harumi Brown has been tirelessly working on organizing an Exhibition of some of our talented Fibre Artists. The Exhibit starts on May 7th with a Reception for the Artists and their family and friends. The exhibit is then open to the public until May 31st.
On Saturday June 4th 2016, members will attend a private party to celebrate our 50th Anniversary. Between 6 PM to 9 PM members will be entertained by a Fashion Show co-ordinated by long-time member Inge Langmann. Light refreshments will be served, and after the Fashion Show the Good Shepherd Award will be presented. (Pick your tickets up May 4th, 11th, and 18th.
In addition, the Surrey Museum in Cloverdale is dedicating two special showcases featuring the works of the Peace Arch Weavers and Spinners. Check this page for dates that this Display will be opening.
See you there
Please note the following change
May 7th Reception & Exhibit at Newton Cultural Centre has been postponed to May 15th.